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10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

Hi Suzanne, welcome to Liffey Valley Style HQ! Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.

Let’s begin…

1.  What is your best childhood memory?

My mam and dad gave us a great childhood so any memories from my ‘growing up’ years are my happiest. In terms of childhood Christmas memories, I would have to say that one of the best was from when I was around 10 or 11. All I wanted was a white fluffy hamster but my parents kept telling me I wasn’t allowed to have one. I prayed and prayed that Santa would bring me a hamster. On Christmas morning, I came down and the presents were all laid out. No sign of any hamster. Next thing, my parents bring out a little cage with a white fluffy hamster in it! I think I cried for about an hour, I was so happy!

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

2.  What achievement are you most proud of?

I’m extremely proud of SOSUbySJ. I created it from nothing and now we’re stocked by major retailers like Primark, Boohoo, and Pretty Little Thing. I have worked so hard on the products and the brand, (you really wouldn’t believe the amount of time and work that goes into every little detail) so to see it succeed as much as it has is something I am very proud of.

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

3.  Suzanne you became a blogger before people knew what blogging was. What got you into it?

I set up SoSueMe back in the summer of 2010 because I realised there was a gap in the market. I loved reading the international blogs but there weren’t any Irish ones so I decided to set one up myself. At the time, I was working as an office manager in 98FM/Spin 103, and because it was a media environment, every day was fun and exciting. Celebrities were a common sight in the office, and invitations to film premieres and after-parties were plentiful. One day it occurred to me that I had great content for a blog. It was what I call my ‘lightbulb moment’! It was at that moment SoSueMe was born and it’s been going from strength to strength ever since!

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

4.  What would you tell your 16-year-old self?

I would probably say, “Suzanne, don’t worry. Everything happens for a reason and you will end up exactly where you are meant to be”. 

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

5.  What was the last picture you took on your phone? Can you show us?

I had my hair cut short recently, but then I decided to have 2 inches more taken off it, so the picture was a shot of my new ‘do! 

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

6.  What is your guilty pleasure?

Reality TV programmes! I love them all! Ex On The Beach, Big Brother, Geordie Shore, the lot!

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

7.  What is your pet peeve?

Being jet lagged! I hate it so much!

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

8.  Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

In my opinion, life is one big learning experience. We’re here to learn and experience a variety of different things. That’s what life is all about. In 10 years’ time, I hope to still be learning and experiencing new things. I hope to be happy and just enjoying life to the fullest with my husband Dylan. Professionally speaking, I would also like to have grown SOSUbySJ into a globally successful brand.

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

9.  Do you have any nicknames?

I think sosueme will always be my nickname!

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson

10. Suzanne, you recently got married. Do you have any advice for brides to be?

Take care of yourself. Planning a wedding is really stressful and the last thing you’ll want to deal with is constant fatigue or burn-out. This is why it’s vital that you eat healthy, start a course of vitamins, and watch those stress levels. Maybe set aside some time whenever you can to do a little exercise. You wouldn’t believe how beneficial exercise is for clearing the mind and helping you with any pressures you’re up against. For brides-to-be, I would recommend Pilates or Yoga. Both practices not only provide incredible workouts, they have an unbelievably positive effect on your mind.

10 Questions with…. Suzanne Jackson