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10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

Hi Ellie, welcome to Liffey Valley Style HQ! Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.  

Lets begin…

1. What’s your favourite thing about being a make-up artist?

My favourite thing about being a makeup artist is definitely having the power to be as creative as I can on myself or clients and the ability to be so versatile with it is amazing! Makeup has no rules or right or wrong way so its completely personal preference which I really like!

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

2. What advice would you give to someone considering this career path?

Do not give up! If it’s a serious passion then stick to it! I feel like it’s such an easy industry to get disheartened in and give up on but definitely being positive and consistent is important. Once you love it, it'll be a piece of cake!

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

3. What was your favourite thing about working in Inglot, Liffey Valley?

I loved my little Inglot family and I bet that everyone who worked, and still works there, will say the same thing! I have made friends for life and will 100% always cherish my time with Inglot, Liffey Valley.

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

4. What was the last picture you took on your phone? Can you show us?

My dinner haha. Any pictures that I take on my phone are always uploaded straight to Instagram so there isn’t too much on my phone that isn’t then posted online lol.

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

5. You blog about your life and style, do you like shopping? Where is your favourite place to shop?

To be honest I don’t love shopping which a lot of people think is mad! I find it very stressful and don’t have a great sense of style so I let my sister go shopping for me. If I ever do need to grab something I know Liffey Valley will always have what I’m looking for and because I live so close to it.

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

6. What is your best childhood memory?

Going down to Wicklow every summer for 3 months but as kids it felt like you were there for years! We had a holiday home down there & had so many friends so that was my favourite place to be. I'm a summer birthday baby so I spent every birthday until I was 16 down there.

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

7. What is your guilty pleasure?

Lying in bed watching YouTube - even when I know I should be doing work or being productive!  I am more or less addicted. Once I get sucked into watching YouTube I'm there for at least an hour! Lol

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

8. What is your pet peeve? 

The usual - rudeness, ignorance, people who don’t use indicators…other then that I don’t think I let things get to me too much.

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

9. Where do you see yourself in 10 year’s time?

I see myself owning my own house, having a family, a dog, and a nice car and being a successful, happy business women.

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly

10. Do you have any nicknames (besides Ellie)?

I have El, EK, Conors mam calls me Smelly Kelly, my sister calls me Kellier so I kind of go with anything!

10 questions with…Ellie Kelly